The Best Creator TikToks Grab Attention From the Start

A report from CreatorIQ and TikTok reveals what top-performing creator ads have in common

The Best Creator TikToks Grab Attention From the Start

Creator marketing platform CreatorIQ recently worked with TikTok on a report to provide advertisers with the data-backed keys to success for campaigns and creative initiatives. The analysis revealed that creators overwhelmingly make the best-performing TikTok ads — but not all are created equal. 

The report explains that the platform’s top-performing creator ads...

  • Grab attention from the start: 90% of ad recall impact and 80% of awareness impact are captured within the first six seconds of an ad, while showing a person or creator in the first two seconds of an ad increases hooking power by 50% and improves ad recognition by 32%. 
  • Get personal: Having the creator directly address the audience from the jump has a +112% uplift in brand recall. Additionally, ads in which creators say "you" within the first five seconds have a +128% uplift in purchase intent, and speaking directly to the audience is 1.5x more likely to hook. 
  • Show products in action: Ads that show a creator using a product are very effective. For example, unboxing videos garner a +31% uplift in attention while videos with creators showing off products throughout have a +89% uplift in brand recall and a +47% uplift in purchase intent.