Smart TV Audiences Are Hungry For Native Apps

Smart TV Audiences Are Hungry For Native Apps
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM / Unsplash

Smart TV interfaces have improved by leaps and bounds over the last few years, making the home screen the primary entry point for consumer content decisions. 

  • With the continued rise of streaming – which according to Inscape’s new Q3 2023 Market Trends Report accounts for nearly 55.9% of consumers' share of viewing time – there has been a venerable explosion of smart TV apps that funnel a diverse amount of content to viewers.
  • Inscape notes that since Q4 2021, the average number of apps used per smart TV has doubled, with viewers in Q3 2023 using an average of 5.4.
  • Even compared to a few quarters ago, smart TV owners are using one more native app than they were before.