Etsy's Holiday Campaign is Dedicated 'To the Travelers'

Etsy's Holiday Campaign is Dedicated 'To the Travelers'
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM / Unsplash

A new TV advertising campaign from Etsy focuses on the importance of family and friends this holiday season, instead of pushing a promotional brand message. According to iSpot's survey-based Creative Assessment, the theme of "To the Travelers" is resonating with viewers, particularly with its Heartfelt* and Wholesome* messaging.

  • The campaign has driven 60% Positive Purchase Intent* among gen pop viewers.
  • So far the ads have generated 889.1 million TV ad impressions with an estimated national TV ad spend of $5.7 million.
  • Among the Retail Stores: Online & Auction Websites category, “To the Travelers” is in first place for impressions share of voice (17.01%)

For more on how this campaign is performing, check out iSpot's blog post.


  • Heartfelt and Wholesome are 2 of the 57 emotional metrics iSpot Creative Assessment measures for every TV and video ad.  
  • Positive Purchase Intent: The percent of Creative Assessment survey respondents that reported an increased desire to purchase or visit a given brand or product after watching an ad.