Brands See 50% Faster Time for Campaign Build/Launch With AI

Brands See 50% Faster Time for Campaign Build/Launch With AI

Right now, every marketer across the globe knows they need to be leveraging AI, but most are having a hard time wrapping their heads around implementation. Recent product developments from Wunderkind, however, might help illuminate the way. 

Wunderkind recently launched an Autonomous Marketing Platform (AMP) to give clients like Uniqlo, CaseMate, Clarks and Omni Hotels a holistic AI-powered infrastructure for 1:1 customer engagement at scale. 

  • The AMP is underpinned by Wunderkind Identity Network, which recognizes over 9 billion consumer devices, 1 billion opted-in consumer profiles and observes 2 trillion events per year. This allows Wunderkind to identify up to 50% more consumer profiles than leading email service providers.
  • One of the AMP’s features is Studio, which provides real-time generative AI-powered creative edits to experiences. This AI capability is already improving the time to build and launch campaigns by over 50% for Wunderkind clients, such as True Botanicals.