Are Audiences Sufficiently Informed Without Local Broadcast TV?

Are Audiences Sufficiently Informed Without Local Broadcast TV?
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

As part of its latest report, Local TV: Perils & Promise In the Age of Streaming, TVREV found that a large share of those surveyed still feel there's a need for local TV stations.

  • 27% of respondents (all over 25 years old) said they wouldn't feel sufficiently informed by other sources if their local broadcast station shut down, and 38% were unsure if they would feel sufficiently informed.
  • 60% of audiences over 65 and 52% of those aged 55-64 would feel "very/fairly upset" if streaming apps was the only way to access local broadcast.
  • Meanwhile, 51% of those aged 25-34 indicated they would not be upset at all if they had to rely on streaming apps over local broadcast TV.