Women's Sports Content Keeps Winning

Women's Sports Content Keeps Winning
Photo by Travel Nomades / Unsplash

In advance of the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup, it's worth noting just how much women's sports content has grown over the past year. Tubular Labs recently published a blog post around women's sports social video increases, with some impressive findings:

  • In 2022, women’s soccer amounted to 610 million U.S. YouTube views. This year’s Women’s World Cup hasn’t even started yet and views for women’s soccer are already at 686 million on YouTube.
  • U.S. social videos about women’s basketball reached over 1.06 billion views in 2022. Just six months into 2023, views have already hit 844 million— with many more to come between the WNBA season and more college basketball this fall.
  • But basketball is not the only women’s sport to see a rise in viewership over the past year. After a thrilling Women’s College World Series, softball views on Facebook are up from 96M to 119M.
  • In 2023, March Madness saw record-breaking TV audiences for the women’s bracket, along with an impressive increase in social views, which escalated by 5x year-over-year across social platforms, to be exact.