Are Whippersnappers Streaming Local News?

Older TV viewers don’t stream local news, with 55% of those over 45 reporting that they never stream news from local sources. Yet younger viewers ARE streaming news according to TVREV’s report, Local TV: Perils & Promise In the Age of Streaming.
- Older TV viewers don’t stream local news, with 55% of those over 45 reporting that they never stream news from local sources.
- But: Younger viewers do stream local news (even if to lesser extents). That two-thirds of Gen Z and Millennials actually stream local news, and do so on so many various platforms, comes as a bit bit of a surprise.
- Local news streaming is very fragmented. FAST platforms do seem to have an early advantage here – impressive given the relatively short time local FAST news offerings have been available. However, market share in this category is clearly up for grabs.