NFL Gobbles Up Turkey Day Watch Time

NFL Gobbles Up Turkey Day Watch Time
Photo by Melissa McGovern / Unsplash

With three competitive games on Thanksgiving Day, the NFL dominated televisions, as shown by data from Inscape. The league accounted for over 26% of all minutes watched on Nov. 24, which was 4 times the total for the next most-watched program (NBC’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day broadcast). Some other key data points based on Thanksgiving TV viewing behavior:

  • The total for Thanksgiving 2022 was actually a year-over-year jump from 2021’s 24.34% share — despite the World Cup’s presence on TVs this year as well.
  • Three of the top 13 most-watched shows on TV during Thanksgiving Day were football-related (including college), and seven of the top 13 were sports-related.
  • A sports focus buoyed Big Four broadcast networks, which accounted for a combined 50.1% of watch-time (led by NBC at 17.15%).