2022: TV Tune In: 13.7% of Reach for Linear TV Ads Are Network Promos

2022: TV Tune In: 13.7% of Reach for Linear TV Ads Are Network Promos
Looking at promo reach by day part, Sunday is the best day to promote a show and have it seen

Year end stats from iSpot.tv reveal that TV Networks continued to lean on ad inventory to drive tune in to their shows. The takeaways are fascinating:

6.2 million times an ad aired on TV Jan 1-Dec 15th– that's 17k promos running on TV a day, that's 739 running per hour, or 12 running every minute of every day.

13.7% of all impressions delivered from ads on TV were for networks driving to their properties– for those math nerds that want yo know, that means over 1 TRILLION ad impressions or moments in time Americans saw an ad for a show.

And unlike mobile ads, TV ads have a very high view rate if the viewer makes it past iSpot's 3 second rule to become an impression; 96% of the ad is viewed. That's a lot of time for promos.

None do this more in terms of airings than Discovery and Food Networks which ran 248k promos so far this year- or close to 700 per day! That's a lot of Ice Road Trucking ads!

This of course could go on, but it leads to another bigger question: how do streaming cousins of these networks find the same promo time? The answer can be found on the home screen of TVs. Turn on a VIZIO right now and you'll see Apple, Paramount, Peacock and Amazon all investing in tune in.