Which Show Genres Need Mega-Hits Most?

Which Show Genres Need Mega-Hits Most?

The following is a selection from Brandon Katz of Parrot Analytics.

The chart above displays the percentage of shows accounting for 50% of the total demand for each genre in the U.S., according to Parrot Analytics. This metric gauges how demand is spread across various titles.

  • The higher the percentage, the more evenly distributed demand is among a greater number of titles.
  • Essentially, this chart illuminates which genres are top heavy, relying on a select few mega hits to carry the load, and which genres are more likely to produce a reliably in-demand title.
  • Documentaries has the most title diversification among these genres, and global share of documentary content among unscripted programming has risen from 32% in 2018 to 54% in 2022, per Parrot Analytics.

[read the rest of Brandon Katz's post on TVREV]