Streaming Sitcoms Still Losing Decay Rate Battle Vs. Broadcast

Streaming Sitcoms Still Losing Decay Rate Battle Vs. Broadcast
Photo by Ben Griffiths / Unsplash

The following is a selection from Brandon Katz of Parrot Analytics.

Streaming services have struggled mightily to develop original hit sitcoms, despite library broadcast content from the genre hitting performance highs for many services. Data from Parrot Analytics dives into the disparity between streaming sitcoms and their broadcast brethren:

  • The reason streaming keeps trying to crack the original sitcom code underscores the value these shows can generate.
  • When looking at the on-season to post-season transition, broadcast sitcoms experience an average 29.7% decay rate in their demand while streaming comedies suffer a slightly larger drop at 32.1%.
  • When looking at the decay rate from post-season to off-season, broadcast sitcoms average just a 12.6% decay rate in demand while streaming comedies are at a whopping 31.8%.
  • In both instances, broadcast sitcoms more effectively sustain demand over longer periods of time, implying a longer-tail of engagement and buzz. 

[read the rest of Brandon Katz's post on TVREV]