How FASTs Bridge The Streaming Gap

How FASTs Bridge The Streaming Gap
Photo by Modestas Urbonas / Unsplash

The following is a selection from Brandon Katz of Parrot Analytics.

Free, Ad-Supported TV (FAST) services are both a natural bridge for older audiences between linear TV and streaming as well as a helpful destination for younger more cost-conscious consumers. But FASTs are not a standalone solution for media companies stuck between a rock and a hard place, even as FAST and SVOD platforms generally attract similar audiences.

  • While demand for content available on FAST platforms has increased 110% in the last five years, entertainment available on SVOD has increased by 130% in that same period.
  • Within that, the majority of demand on FAST is concentrated among older licensed shows with a high episode count, which also aligns with its supply strategy.(though supply still outstrips demand on FAST overall). 
  • Importantly, demand on FAST for non-exclusive (labeled as "overlapped" in the chart) licensed series that are available across multiple platforms far outstrips demand for titles exclusive to FAST.

[read the rest of Brandon Katz's post on TVREV]